We all have those pregnancy moments when the hormones get the best of us. Our sweet husbands are usually the ones to take the heat for it.

Here are:

hormones, pregnancy, pregnant, husband,

First Trimester:

Running to the bathroom with nausea…

“You did this to me!”

1st trimester, 12 weeks

Second Trimester:

Me: Do I look pregnant, or do I look fat?

Davey: {the ever so slightest pause} You look pregnant.

Me: Great. You think I look fat.

second trimester

Third Trimester:

Staring at my belly button in the mirror…

“Now my belly button looks like yours!”

pregnant, pregnancy, husband, hormones

Don’t worry, Davey, it’ll all be over soon. Until next time.

And then there is always menopause…