Our household has been eating oatmeal for breakfast for as long as we have been a household. We eat it completely for the health benefits and not at all for the taste. Because it tastes disgusting. Let’s stop kidding ourselves.


Davey got tired of shoveling down mush every morning so he decided to cook it with almond milk, cinnamon, and some honey from his hive.


Now we eat amazingness every morning. I have successfully tricked myself into thinking I am eating dessert for breakfast.


2 cups almond milk (vanilla almond milk is EXTRA tasty)
1/2 cup Steel cut oats
A couple dashes of cinnamon
A spoonful of honey


Bring almond milk to a boil. Stir in oats and turn heat to medium-low. Let oats cook for 20-30 minutes. When oats have softened, stir in a couple dashes of cinnamon and a spoonful of honey. Top with raisons.

This recipe is for one person. Double if cooking for two.


Goldilocks would say it tastes just right.