Life has been oh so good to us lately. Seton’s personality has decided to emerge, and I am happy to announce she is a crawler and a puller-upper. I am unhappy to announce she is a morning person and a pea-hater. But such is life.

We have also been playing a lot of peek-a-boo…

which I tend to enjoy more than her.

I’ve also jumped on the #whole30 bandwagon. I feel like I’ve just been hanging off the back of the bandwagon by the tips of my fingers while my body flails in the air and slaps on the ground day after day, but that’s neither here nor there.

I guess it’s not that bad.

But I am going on no support in this household. Davey said he would do Whole30 if it meant eating a whole pizza in under 30 minutes. So, yeah.


He has envied my meals and now requests that I make them for TWO! Small victory for me.

I have learned a few things since cutting out all dairy, grains, legumes, yummy food…

–I used to eat a LOT of sugar. I thought I was a healthy eater, but having to really spend time THINKING and DISCERNING about what I am eating, I realize I used to eat a lot of breads and sweets.

–The first few days of whole30, I would day dream about food. Maybe I used to do this anyway, and I just recognize it more now? Unsure. But I had visions of pretzels, bagels, and my favorite snack: dry cheerios with chocolate chips.

–Cooking healthy isn’t hard. Baking a sweet potato, frying an egg, cutting up an avocado is all very easy. It’s the planning part that’s tough, but it’s time I learn how to plan out my meals anyway. Without planning, I end up eating whatever is in sight as soon as I walk in the door from work which leads me to unhealthy choices.

–Cooking healthy does require a lot of trips to the grocery store, the loathe of my life. And I loathe the grocery store even more now that I can’t eat 99.99999999% of the food in it.

which leads me to…

–As a country, we eat a lot of chemicals. We eat a lot of things that are put in our food just to make it last longer on the shelf or taste more palatable to us WHEN IT ALREADY TASTES GOOD ANYWAY! You’ll see what I mean if you look at the label of everything you put in your cart the next time you’re shopping. Just check out how many foods have ingredients you can’t pronounce.

Ah, so many reflections on food.

Here are the stats so far:

Whole30 day: 14
Times I’ve cried because I felt sorry for myself: 1
Times I dreamed I was eating a bagel: 2
Times I have given into cravings: 0!

Anyone else doing whole30? Comment or email me your thoughts!