This post is really no biggie. I can hardly call it DIY. Like I mentioned previously, I am not a DIYer so I have to give myself credit when I make some look like something else. So this is me congratulating myself for re-doing something. However…you may notice in the photos, Davey is the one actually doing the work. I just had the vision.

We found this ottoman by a trashcan:

upholstered ottoman, diy

Ew, I know, right? I strongly encouraged Davey to throw it in the trunk emphasizing that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. I thought we could just change out the fabric and use it in the baby’s room or our living room.

So off to work we went. I took out all the tacks, removed the fabric that reminded me of John Wayne for some strange reason, and removed the padding. I bought new silver tacks, new padding, and a neutral grey piece of fabric.

I ruined about half the new tacks by hammering them in wrong, which is when Davey stepped in:

upholstered ottoman; diy
upholstered ottoman, diy upholstered ottoman, diy
upholstered ottoman, diy

And here is the finished product:

upholstered ottoman, diy

It’ll eventually go in the baby’s room so I can use it while nursing, but for now it is a life-saver to use for putting up my sore feet after work.

Congratulations, me…er… and Davey, for making something.